Thursday, January 29, 2009

Great Letter from Jacob

hello again
Well my new companion is great. A very mellow quiet kid, quite oposite from my last companion. i really enjoy Sunnyside. There are plenty of really nice people who might not except the gospel now but in time. I was feeling pretty low for a couple of weeks before I got my new comp. just really sad that not a lot of succsess is happening, but I was reading Alma 8 and then my mission president called and told me to gain a new hope and faith. I had also just got elder worwood and so the chapter really just was written for me. alma was like me. the angel that told him to return was my mission president. and Amulek is like my greenie who is being taught how to become a missionary. it was truely amazing miricle that showed how much the scriptures are for me in this day. I know my gramar and spelling are still weaknesses! Well I'm glad you got those pictures, please share them. Oh and for my birthday, I dont need much. I would like som pictures of home though. Laura that scrap book calendar you gave me 2 christmases ago was perfect. it had all the birthdays of everybody. i loved it. so mabey just one of those would be nice. we are now looking for people to go teach so that we can do what the Lord would have us do. Tracting is not effective! Repeat tracting is not effective! Please give refferals to the missionaries. the more people you give the more of a chance that someone will accept the gospel and I know that ya'll have a great desire for every one, espcially the people you know, to have the gospel in your life. Pray that you will know who to invite to have the lessons not pray that the missionaries will find them. I cant remember what talk it was but they said thats like praying that someone else will do your job for you. If you testify and invite people. every body! I promise you will see success. I love you and thats why I ask that ya'll do that. Last night I truely gained an understanding of asking questions. While I had gone through great and long trials, I really felt inspired about asking the right questions and how to do that. I will report to yall the next week how it goes. I feel that if I did'nt endure the trials then I would'nt have gained this great knowlege. I love all of you. And remember the Lord is in control let satan blow against you, just know that it will make you stronger if you endure.

Love Elder Bell

1 comment:

dlriley said...

Wow....that's all I can say, wow. How much he's grown, I know you're heart is just swelling with love for himand you Father in Heaven.